PCS 2019 Conference
Tamil solidarity have set up stall at the annual conference of the public and commercial services union (PCS) at Brighton on the 20th May 2019. PCS is one of the largest trade unions in […]
Tamil solidarity have set up stall at the annual conference of the public and commercial services union (PCS) at Brighton on the 20th May 2019. PCS is one of the largest trade unions in […]
When many are trying to get back to a normal life following the horrific Easter Sunday mass killings, a new wave of communal attacks has started against the Muslim population. The Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist groups […]
Tamil Solidarity condemns communal racial violence Trade unions can act – help set up community defence committees Tamil Solidarity strongly condemns all the attacks that are taking place against the Muslim population in Sri Lanka. […]
This year marks the tenth anniversary of genocidal slaughter that took place in Sri Lanka in 2009. The final phase of the war ended on May 18th with the merciless slaughter of a huge number […]
International workers day is celebrated worldwide on May the 1st to remember the struggles of the labour movement in the past and the present. This year one of Tamil Solidarity’s affiliate Waltham Forest Trades Council […]
The United Socialist Party in Sri Lanka, the Tamil Solidarity campaign and the Socialist Party in England and Wales strongly condemn the atrocious attacks that took place in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday (21-04-2019). Well-coordinated […]
The re-trial of Brigadier Fernando has been set for the 7th of May 2019. Tamil Solidarity once again calls on all its members, protesters and activists from various Diaspora to join hands to show the […]
IBRO(International Buddhist relief organisation) is a downright racist outfit that claims to be an NGO. IBRO has UN accreditation which they use to promote war criminals from Sri Lanka – who in turn, lie and […]
Eliya known as brightness or into the light is another project formulated by one of the power hungry, greedy, corrupted clan of the Rajapakses’. This project in which Mr. Gotabaya Rajapakse is presented as the […]
Refugee Rights Campaign and Tamil Solidarity activists & members organised a free law clinic on Saturday the 23rd of April 2019. Refugee Rights campaign had requested legal assistance from Duncan Lewis Solicitors for asylum seekers. […]
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