Tamil Solidarity support the Movement for Peoples’ Council and ISUF, calls for International Day of Action on 9th November

The Peoples’ Council was officially launched on 1st November 2022 by Movement for Peoples’ Council together with the Inter University Students Federation ( IUSF) at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute (Sri Lanka).

The Peoples’ Council is established to organise struggling masses with the aim of bringing real power to the people. Local councils with representatives, elected by all sections of the people, to address the democratic and economic demands of the peoples.

This People Councils will build direct opposition to the current state that fulfils the needs of the capitalistic elites, multi-national corporations and the exploitative desires of foreign nations that use institutions such as the IMF.

The Movement for Peoples’ Council is an initiative by the youth of the aragalaya in their continued struggle for democracy, freedom and human rights, in the face of the draconian oppression by the now Ranil Rajapaske government.

To keep updated on the campaign, follow the Movement for Peoples’ Council here

During the launch the ISUF called on the international allies of workers, students and youth to support an International Day of Action on 9th November outside the Sri Lankan High Commission. Tamil Solidarity will answer the call and fully support this campaign.

The campaign demands that the Government of Sri Lanka must:

* Release IUSF student leaders, Wasantha Mudalige and Siridhamma Himi, detained under the PTA, for over 65 days

* Stop the attack on all protesters

* Drop all charges on protesters

* Repeal PTA –and all other oppressive laws.

* Allow freedom of assembly, free speech, and freedom to dissent


To Learn more about the Crisis in Sri Lanka and Movement for Peoples’ Council attend Socialism 2022: Sri Lanka in Crisis – What is the real alternative.
Saturday 19th November @ 1pm
Queen Mary University
Mile End Road
E1 4NS
East London

Join us by emailing join@tamilsolidarity.org or please call us on 07908050217