Under the nationality and borders bill, refugees who are thought to have entered Britain via non politically acceptable routes since January 1, 2022 are to be deported to Rwanda. Refugees arriving in the UK will be flown to Rwanda, some 4,000 miles away, where they will be interrogated. They will be allowed to apply for the right to live in an African country. But they will not be allowed to apply to stay in the UK. The new project is estimated to cost the government around 120 million.
The first flight is scheduled for 14th June to Rwanda. The Refugee Rights Campaign
organised a protest in front of the Rwandan Embassy in London on Wednesday, 08/06/2022, 4-7 pm.
The Refugee Rights Campaign has organised the protest, prioritising the following two demands.
Stop deportation to Rwanda.
Stop racist immigration policies.
Refugee Rights Campaign
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