From the press

Siege of the President’s Palace and escape from Gotha
Defying the curfew and various restrictions, the protestors entered the presidential palace. Gotabaya was reported to be on the run. Follow more updates here
From the press
Defying the curfew and various restrictions, the protestors entered the presidential palace. Gotabaya was reported to be on the run. Follow more updates here
Press release 26/03/2020 for immediate use Three immigration detention centres (Brook House, Harmondsworth & Morton Hall) have confirmed detainees showing symptoms of coronavirus. These are among the most vulnerable people in society. Many who […]
From Human Right Watch, October 9, 2018 Summary On April 29, 2017, the Sri Lankan navy high command announced it would release 100 acres of land that security forces had been occupying in the Mullikulam […]
From Guardian - <strong> Home Office accused of dehumanising refugees with ‘systemic failures’ in handling claims</strong> Home Office mistreatment of immigrants goes far beyond the Windrush generation and affects thousands of refugees and asylum seekers, […]
“There is nothing, nothing, so horrendous as communal war, ethnic war. Overnight your friend becomes your enemy, every look of your neighbour is laden with threat, every passer-by is an informant. You walk the streets […]
700 Buildings Destroyed in Single Muslim Village in Rakhine State New satellite imagery shows several hundred buildings burned in Burma’s Rakhine State, Human Rights Watch said today. Imagery from the Rohingya Muslim village of Chein […]
The guardian today pubished an article titled “How can the Home Office get away with paying workers £1 an hour?”. This article confirms how the office getting away with Victorian style exploitation of most vounarable […]
The upcoming general election in Britain will not be an ordinary one. Despite the fact that the Labour Party is behind in the polls and suffered some losses in the more rural county council elections, […]
Court hears police report implicating Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in operating a secret unit involved in silencing critics. A police report has implicated the brother of a former Sri Lankan president saying he directed a top secret […]
The Sri Lanka government commitment to demiltarise the country’s Tamil majority north and east has come under withering criticism from a leading policy think tank when the highest ever amount of government funds has been […]
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