IBRO(International Buddhist relief organisation) is a downright racist outfit that claims to be an NGO. IBRO has UN accreditation which they use to promote war criminals from Sri Lanka – who in turn, lie and spread hatred, particularly against Muslims.
All Ceylon Buddhist Congress works with IBRO. Sarath Weerasekara one of the hangmen of the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime during the genocidal war in 2009 represented IBRO in UN. He was a chief of staff in the Sri Lankan navy and a director general of the civil defence force (CDF)-a Para military wing that has direct link to former defence minister Gotabaya Rajapaksa and committed gross war crimes during the war. Despite naming him as war criminal in their own report the UN allowed him (through IBRO) to speak at UN and attack Tamil activists. Gota’s new organisation “Eliya” is also linked to these racist outfits.
UKIP councillor Padmini Nissanga is also part of IBRO. She claims to be chief International Public Relations Officer to the United Nations. See below the BBC report of her latest diatribe. She also promotes Enoch Powell, other racist organisations etc.
One such outfit is called National liberal party. In the past this party successfully infiltrated a Tamil diaspora organisation TGTE. One of its leading member and a solicitor linked to them -had links with that racist party- And promoted them etc. We still don’t know if these links are still maintained. At one point they manage to group together some Tamil refugees to do a protest with traditional symbols that racist use in their protest. It was Tamil Solidarity’s forceful intervention that stopped the continuation of such actions.
TS also held a protest against setting up of Eliya in the UK. Due to TS action Gotabaya plan for launching Elia with masses attending was spoiled. It was a significant defeat for them.
Hypocrisy of UN – Buddhist racist and their links to Sri Lankan defence ministry and war crimes – lack of politics of some diaspora Tamils / are all revealed in this saga.