This month marks 11 years since the massacre that occurred in Mullivaikal Sri Lanka. Thousands of civilians have died at the hands of the Sri Lankan armed forces. Many civilians and LTTE combatants who had surrendered after the war are still missing. To add insult to injury, Gotabaya Rajapakse recently announced that all who surrendered are dead and his government is in the process of issuing death certificates to the victims’ families. The years have passed by but the hurt, the anguish, and the desperation felt by the Tamils are as fresh as an open wound.
For eleven long years, Many Eelam Tamils have reached out to many international and local institutions asking for justice. Their plea landed on deaf ears. Either the United Nations or any international body was able to deliver any of their promises. The British government is no exception in deceiving Tamils.
Tamils are aware that the role Great Britain played in committing grave human rights abuses along with the Sri Lankan armed forces in Sri Lanka. It should be duly noted, Britain had trained the STF (special task force) of Sri Lanka in torture tactics that is then tried out on innocent civilians under the watchful eye of the “much-decorated” so-called war hero of Britain: Sergeant Batty (who passed away this year).
Many Tamils in Britain are also suffering due to austerity and anti-immigrant policies that are implemented by ruling Tory party. Many are in precarious employment where some have even succumbed to COVID 19. Asylum seekers, including torture victims, are often held in detention centers causing further deterioration to their mental health . The British government hides the fact that torture and discrimination continue to take place against Tamils in Sri Lanka.
It is of importance for Tamils to develop a far-sighted strategy to win our rights, which also means identifying who our natural allies are . All oppressed people who are seeking to build a fightback against all sorts of discrimination are our allies. Capitalist class not only will not provide justice and relief but will further increase the exploitation and oppression. Hene we have to build our strength along with all those who are suffering.
The best way to pay respect for the fallen comrades and thousands of people is to build a strong fightback that will make sure that at least a future generation doesn’t have to go through such death and carnage again. Those who are keen to build such fightback please contact Tamil Solidarity. Years may have passed. But our memory is fresh, and the determination to build fightback and win our rights is growing stronger by the day.
Contact: kethes@tamilsolidarity.org