Immediate action needed! Support the hunger strike in Vavuniya – on the 4th consecutive day

The relatives of those that have “disappeared” during the Sri Lankan civil war and those that have been abducted/ detained/ disappeared since then are in the 4th day of fast unto death protest.

These families, friends and supporters pledged to stay day and night under extreme weather conditions along the A9 main road until more details are provided. The Hunger strikers wrote a letter raising their concern and desperation.

  1. Are our relatives alive or not?
  2. If they are alive, which secret torture camps are they being held in?
  3. If they are not alive, what happened to them? Who killed them? How? Where were they buried after being murdered?
  4. If our missing and abducted relatives are alive, arrange for them to be reunited with their families immediately, as well as releasing all political prisoners.

The health conditions of these protesters are extremely poor with some needing urgent medical attention. The Sri Lanka government in particular its President, The Prime Minister and the Opposition leader must fully take the responsibility if anything were to happen to them. 8 years has been long enough – justice needs to be given to these victims. Release information of the disappeared and those held unlawfully in detention centres.


