For Tamils living in Britain, the choice is very clear – Vote for Corbyn.
In addition to the interview given by John McDonnell, Jeremy Corbyn has also signed a pledge to Tamils living in Britain in relation to the issues that most concerns us. Below are the leaflet and the interview.
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For Tamils living in Britain, the choice is very clear.
Governments, such as Sri Lanka which abuse human rights, should not be aided in any way to continue their oppression. There should be a total military and defence boycott against them. Any trade or further dealing with such a government should be linked to agreement on improvements to human rights. All democratic rights including freedom of speech, land rights and the right to self-determination, including separation, of the oppressed nationalities should be respected. Eelam Tamils have the right to a homeland. Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell have repeatedly said they support the right to self-determination of Tamils in Sri Lanka.
The policies outlined for Britain in Corbyn’s election manifesto have the potential of transforming the livelihoods of millions of people in this country.
The majority of the Tamil-speaking people living in Britain are people who work hard or want to work hard if there were decent jobs and the right to work for all. Many are recent immigrants to Britain and have gone through enormous struggle to better their lives by settling in Britain. The new generation born in Britain should continue to defend and fight for human rights of the Tamil-speaking people and should not go through the harsh life that some generations have had to face. To ensure the better living conditions for Diaspora Tamil-speaking population we must clearly set out what policies we support. The following are some of the key points that corbyn manifesto outlined that we must support.
NHS: Free at the point of use and funded publicly and properly.
Education: Free ffor all to make sure that all get their education
Wages: The minimum wage should be at least £10/hour. End the pay freeze in the public sector.
Immigration: All European nationals living in Britain will be allowed to stay. All asylum cases should be reviewed based on humanitarian basis.