For democratic rights and a future for all
Tamil Solidarity will be protesting outside the Sri Lankan High Commission on the 4th of February from 12 to 3pm.
Join us to protest against the Sri Lankan government’s hypocrisy in celebrating its 72nd year of independence from British colonial rule while itself denying the democratic and national rights of Tamils.
The Sri Lankan government now claims that the 20,000 people who were ‘disappeared’ by the authorities following the 2009 massacre of Tamil-speaking people have all died. Is this an admission of mass killing by the Sri Lankan government?
We demand justice. We demand the information about our missing loved ones. We demand all democratic rights including our national rights.
We demand:
• Give us the information on our loved ones. Where are the missing people? We need to know what happened to each and every one of them. Release all the information. We demand an investigation in the hands of the people – trade unions, community groups and the bereaved through democratically elected and accountable committees.
• Release all political prisoners now. End the repression of political activists and journalists.
• Close down all secret camps and torture prisons. Shut down the special economic zones with their slave-like conditions.
• Give back all the land occupied by the military and government authorities.
• Withdraw the occupied troops from all Tamil areas.
• We demand a war crimes investigation through the elected representatives of the working class and oppressed people via democratic and accountable committees.
• Allow the right to self-determination of Tamil speaking people.
• Build a mass movement of the working class, young people and poor to end the exploitation and oppression which denies the majority in Sri Lanka a decent future.