New stage for Sinhala Chauvinism
Development of Bodu Bala Sena must be stopped The recent growth and actions of Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force, BBS) in Lanka is very alarming. BBS is an extreme right-wing group headed by chauvinist […]
Development of Bodu Bala Sena must be stopped The recent growth and actions of Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force, BBS) in Lanka is very alarming. BBS is an extreme right-wing group headed by chauvinist […]
The BBC is to stop providing radio news to Sri Lanka’s state broadcaster because of “continued interruption and interference” in its Tamil programming. Both English language and Tamil services broadcast via the Sri Lanka Broadcasting […]
By Akila Kumar “Small country, too many problems” – Thinesh. On the 18th March 2013 at 10 a.m., three young Tamil men began a nil by mouth campaign outside the High Commission of India in […]
Actief Linkse Studenten Hoveniersstraat 45, 1080 Molenbeek 02/345 61 81 || als@socialisme.be www.actieflinks.be Brussels, 21.3.2013 Through the Tamil Solidarity campaign the Actif Left Students, a leftwing socialist student movement in Belgium, have been informed about […]
Youth Fight for Jobs (YffJ) is a campaigning youth organisation based across England, Scotland and Wales backed by 7 national British trade unions the PCS, RMT, the CWU, Unite, UCU, TSSA and BECTU as well […]
From CWI/India socialism.in http://socialism.in/index.php/tamil-student-youth-show-the-way-forward/ What started as a sympathy & solidarity expression by 8 students of Loyala College, Chennai, has catapulted into a mass youth mobilisation across Tamil Nadu. In a span of few days […]
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 03:31 GMT] The North Rhine-Westphalia youth wing of the Die Linke leftist political party in Germany conveyed its solidarity with the student upsurge in Tamil Nadu in a statement released […]
[TamilNet, Saturday, 16 March 2013, 12:26 GMT] http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36138 Hundreds of Eezham Tamils gathered in front of the US Embassy in London on Friday evening, burnt the copy of the US resolution tabled at the UNHRC […]
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