German Left youth group conveys solidarity with Tamil Nadu protesters

[TamilNet, Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 03:31 GMT]
The North Rhine-Westphalia youth wing of the Die Linke leftist political party in Germany conveyed its solidarity with the student upsurge in Tamil Nadu in a statement released on Tuesday. Criticizing the US administration for supporting Sri Lanka owing to “geo-strategic interests in the region”, the statement further called on the German federal government “to push for an international, independent investigation of the genocide, as well as to support a referendum on an independent Tamil state.” Speaking to TamilNet, Balakrishnan Koculan, a leftist Eezham Tamil youth activist from the same party, criticized those sections of diaspora organizations that compromised principled Tamil politics unwilling to criticize the US, urging the diaspora youth to join in protest along with the Tamil Nadu students.

Mr. Koculan, a member of the Die Linke party from the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis district, said “Certain diaspora organizations and individuals, who are on a path of political compromise, think that US will automatically give the Eezham Tamils justice. But this is not so. Likewise, some are also discouraging protests supporting the Tamil Nadu students against the US resolution.”

“Defying this, the Eezham Tamil youth in the diaspora must come out in the streets and protest against the unjust policies of the global establishments. The principled political demands of the Eezham Tamil nation cannot be compromised according to the whims of the pro-Establishment people.”

The Die Linke has 76 seats at the German federal parliament and eight members in the European Parliament. The Die Linke is a member of the Party of the European Left and is the largest party in the European United Left–Nordic Green Left grouping in the European Parliament.

In the statement from their North Rhine-Westphalia youth wing, the national youth spokesperson Daniel Kerekes accused the US from preventing an independent investigation because those complicit in the genocide “are also located in Washington.”