On the 10th and 15th of August Tamil Solidarity members took part in the protests outside India High Commission. Historical numbers of protesters gathered against the recent repression on Kashmir. The scrapping of Article 370 and 35A which takes away the special status to the region of Jammu and Kashmir had led to tensions leading to curfews and media blackouts. Indian Prime Minister Modi and the ruling party BJP are on the offensive and attacking the rights of people in Kashmir. The army has occupied the territory and any sort of democratic rights such as free speech, free assembly and organisation and freedom of the media has been simply but denied. Vital medicine to food to basic goods have all but stalled. As almost every single landline and mobile services have been suspended.
Tamil Solidarity stands in solidarity with Kashmir and we demand:
The immediate reinstatement of the special status of Indian occupied Kashmir.
Stop all action that plunders the natural wealth of Kashmir.
End the army occupation now! Withdraw all troops from the region.
Repeal the armed forces (special powers) act both in Kashmir and the North East.
Stop repression.
Release all the political activists and protesters.
Respect the democratic rights of the Kashmiri people.
The right to free speech, free assembly & organisation.
A referendum on the situation of the Kashmiri people.
The right itself-determination for Kashmir.