Tamil Solidarity sends its solidarity with the plight of the Palestinians.

We condemn the war by the Israel state on Gaza and demand an immediate ceasefire. Our members took part in the mass demonstration on the 21st October in London. Hundreds of thousands of people poured onto the streets of London with placards calling an end to the war in Gaza and in support for the national rights of the Palestinians.

The hospital blast killed at least 471 and the total death toll is increasing by minutes. More than 5,000 Palestinians have been killed since the Israel began bombing on Gaza, following the 7th October Hamas attack.

The demo in the 21st October is the largest demo in London in solidarity of Palestine in UK history. This shows the huge opposition for the war and blood bath in Gaza. The Israel Defence Forces have stepped up the bombing and is preparing for a ground invasion.
Tamil Solidarity is urging all to attend the mass demonstration organised on Saturday 28th October, assembling outside Embankment station. We will be present with our banner and placards, contact us to march alongside.