Tamil Solidarity clarifies its criticism of TNA –as requested by BTF

Tamil Solidarity participated in the protests on Monday 9 March in London to show opposition to the new Sri Lankan president Maithripala Sirisena. This was not the first time that the British government and the Queen “entertained” known war criminals and dictators.

These actions do not go without opposition from the people who suffer at the hands of these criminals. Tamils living in Britain turned up to register their protest and refuse to be silent about the genocidal slaughter that took place in 2009.

Tamil Solidarity did not however limit its opposition to Maithripala. We explain that the UN and the western governments cannot be trusted to meet the needs of Tamils – to deliver human rights and other democratic rights, including the right to self-determination.

The problem facing Tamils is that the current TNA leadership, that claims to represent them, is showing itself incapable of doing so. Since the TNA leaders decided to collaborate closely with the current Sri Lankan government they face enormous pressure in Sri Lanka. The Tamil masses know through bitter experience that government after government in Sri Lanka stepped up oppression against Tamils and has not delivered on their demands.

Tamil Solidarity calls on Tamil students, workers and activists to build their own political force that will not compromise or bend to the will of the Sri Lankan government, India, or any other interests. The Tamils who want to resist oppression and exploitation can build their strength by making links with those who are in struggle across the world. Tamil Solidarity articulated this need through the slogan on our protest placards: “No to Maithri, No to TNA, Build the fightback”.


The British Tamils Forum, who called for the protest in the face of huge pressure from TNA leaders not to do so, was however displeased by these slogans. It is our understanding that the BTF, while showing opposition to Maithripala, is not prepared to publicly criticise the TNA or the British government. BTF leaders have expressed concern that widespread coverage of the Tamil Solidarity slogans on social media may lead to a misunderstanding about what the BTF’s position.

Tamil Solidarity would like to clarify to all that it is only Tamil Solidarity (and the many young people who enthusiastically took up the placards and discussed with our activists) who advanced this slogan at the protest in London on Monday and this political view is not shared by the BTF.

Tamil Solidarity must also firmly criticise the BTF’s refusal to publicly criticise and challenge both the British government and the TNA leaders whose hypocrisy increasingly stands exposed.

Tamil Solidarity will publish further reports and articles regarding this. If further clarification is needed please call 07908050217.