Tamil Solidarity is joining with others on Saturday to protest against
the invitation to Sri Lankan president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, to the
queen’s diamond jubilee celebrations.
The massacre of tens of thousands of Tamil-speaking people, and the
brutal treatment of hundreds of thousands more, have raised the need for
an independent, international investigation into war crimes.
As head of the Sri Lankan state, Rajapaksa must be brought to account.
We cannot forget our friends and relatives who died in the continuous
shelling, and without food and medical facilities – or the continuing
suffering Tamils face in Sri Lanka today.
Instead of being welcomed into Britain, Rajapaksa should be put on
We ask all Tamil Solidarity supporters to participate in the protest at
Downing Street, 4pm to 7pm, Saturday 26 May.
We also aim to organise further protests against the planned visit of
Rajapaksa. Contact us if you would like to help us organise it:
Read here the leaflet given out by Tamil Solidarity at Mullivaikal 2012,
London http://tamilsolidarity.org/?p=2238