‘A cesspool of political bias and the protector of human right violators’’. These are some of the comments made by the US ambassador Nicki Haley to the UN in America’s decision to quit the Security Council who in her concluding statement classed the UN as a “hypocritical”, “self-serving organisation” protecting its own interests.
Are Trump and his administration on full throttle to expose the hypocrisy of the United Nations? To answer these questions we would have to first delve into the self-serving attitude of the Trump administration.
US claim to oppose Security Council membership of countries such as China, Cuba, Venezuela and their total disregard and disrespect with regards to basic human rights. Its however goes on to say that disproportionate amount of scrutiny is placed on Israel. They sit this as prove that the UN is influenced by political bias rather than human rights. This argument itself is a reflection of gross hypocrisy of US administration. No wonder Benjamin Netanyahu was full of praises of the Trump administration.
The day America made its decision was also the day many people around the world through social media and some mainstream media were able to witness the grave human rights violations being committed by American government.
We have picked up on this hypocrisy not only by the USA but also the UN & the West. The whole world is watching the mass atrocities USA is committing in its border on the most vulnerable people that need all the help they can get. We also strongly condemn the UN and the West’s self-interested, hypocritical ways that only benefits a select few at the expense of the many – such as the UN’s inability to challenge the atrocities that is taking place in Yemen, Syria, Palestine – and its passive, non-interested attitude in bringing out a solution to the Tamils from Srilanka/Eelam in the north and east for the past 9 and a half years.
Trump administration said, ‘the US wants a Human Rights Council that fulfils its purpose as the premier international focal point for human rights issues”. Now, it appears to mean the US will advocate for that outside of the group rather from within.’ It is ridiculous to assume that the US sole aim is to deliver on human rights. They hide the fact that they just want the Security Council to prioritise their own interest. US don’t want to be accountable to anything.
US want the UN to be a puppet organisation that only works in the interests of the US and its allies. Quitting the council would give America to serve its own interests. US is not only responsible for tens of thousands of deaths and human rights abuses in the past, and now. Current Trump administration domestic policies are not in the interest of US workers. Its foreign policies are extension of its domestic policies. It only serves the interest of the big business. We all should come together to oppose this.
Tamil solidarity strongly opposes Trump’s proposed visit to the UK. We demand that human rights violator such as Trump, should not step foot into Britain and therefore ask all members, supporters and activists to join hands on the 13th of July 2018 at 11.00 am outside the BBC where a proposed march is to take place all the way into Downing Street. Join us.
Ketheswaran. S