Tamil Solidarity members have organised the protest today outside the Westminster Magistrate court. It was attended activists and protesters in their hundreds to show both the British governments and the Sri Lankan government that Tamils living in Britain cannot and will not be silenced. The event was filled with loud chants and slogans such as ‘Arrest Arrest – Priyanka Fernando’ ‘Release Release – Political prisoners’ ‘Defend the right to protest’
We also had few of our members in the court hearing and gave live reports of the case.
It has been decided that the brigadier cannot use immunity as a defence for the acts committed by him against the protesters. As a professional he should have upheld his duties to the highest regard but has failed to do so with his throat slitting gestures which were aimed three times at the protesters and activists.
The court now needs to decide whether the summons were served in time and in the appropriate manner, in other words were the right protocols used with regards to the summons?
The court therefore has been adjourned till the 15th of March 2019 for the prosecution to submit all evidence of the summons sent to the Sri Lankan government with regards to the ex-defence attaché’s offence. It has also been noted that the previous judge had found the defendant guilty on two counts but it has been concluded its only one offence and not two.
An alarming update for every Tamil activist or protesters is when the judge listed the roles of the ex-defence attaché. One of the duties is to document activists and protesters that might be working against the interests of the Sri Lankan government. His role also was to identify possible LTTE militants in the UK and report back to the Sri Lankan government on their activities.
Tamils right to self-determination have been a big no no to each and every systematic right wing government of Sri Lanka. This clearly shows that the Sri Lankan government are on a witch-hunt against activists and protesters who are after justice and many other demands that have been denied to the minorities of Sri Lanka.
There were representatives from the Sri Lankan High commission present at the courts today to speak against the protesters.
Tamil Solidarity defends the right to protest and a conviction made against the Brigadier.