Tamil Solidarity public meeting in Malaysia

The first public meeting of Tamil Solidarity Malaysia took place in Pusat LoyarBurok, Kuala Lumpur on 5th May, 2012. The forum was held to discuss what’s the way forward for justice for Sri Lankan Tamils. The forum was chaired by Yuva and attended by 16 participants. Speaking briefly, Maha gave an account of the past Tamil solidarity Malaysia’s activities and the reasons behind them. Following that, the participants eagerly listened to Mr. TU Senan from Tamil Solidarity. Senan requested people to take into account the global changes taking place and its impact in the South Asian geo politics. He further outlined need for developing a perspective that will unite the struggle of oppressed across the world in order to strengthen the fight back of Tamils in Eelam.
A comment and Q&A session followed after the speech by Senan. The main comments of which most of the participants agreed on are:-
-Solidarity is still lacking generally among Tamil speaking people in this struggle
-Solidarity has to be built across all communities in Malaysia because the injustice the Tamils are suffering in Sri Lanka is a humanitarian issue. Injustice anywhere in the world should be fought by all.
-Plight of the Sri Lankan refugees in Malaysia is also part of this struggle.
-One participant pointed out the fact that the younger generation in Malaysia lack information on what’s happening in Sri Lanka.

Tamil Solidarity Malaysia will be looking at ways to build solidarity with the participants and some groups represented by them. One option TS Malaysia will consider is the possibility of doing campaigns together with them to bring justice for Sri Lankan Tamils.