This year on the 16th of February 2019, Tamil Solidarity took part in Unison Women’s conference that took place in Bournemouth. We had our stall at the conference with three of our members spreading information about TS’s existence and its Political campaign.
The members Lawanya, Hazam and Kokulan attended this event with Tamil Solidarity and Refugee Rights materials including model motion. Tamil Solidarity is a campaign that stand for the rights of workers and all oppressed people and workers in Sri Lanka regardless of their ethnic/religious background.
Unison members who have previously signed up with us were also given updates about this democratic grassroots campaign and how it has built its support from various Trade unions, community campaigns and supporters thus far.
The main highlighting factor in attending this event is to show that the Trade Unions, the organised workers are our natural allies and that 300,000 Tamil speaking people of this country should take an active approach in joining a union and join the struggle to fight against cutbacks to public services, zero hour contracts, poverty pay and ever rising housing rents.
UNISON one of the UK’s largest trade unions, with 1.3 million members is nationally affiliated to the Tamil Solidarity campaign.