On 3rd of March Tamil Solidarity held a student meeting in Manchester University, with the help of the Socialist Students society.
Manchester University students came to the meeting to find about what is happening in Sri Lanka and how the civil war was started. They understood that the discrimination by the Sri Lanka ruling class against Tamil-speaking people pushed young people towards armed struggle. Also students asked and learned about Tamil Solidarity Campaign and how it is helping in the fighting to achieve freedom for oppressed people in Sri Lanka.
Students are keen to help Tamil Solidarity to pass a motion supporting the campaign at Manchester University Students Union general meeting on 17th March, 1pm. They are going to help with Tamil Solidarity campaign stalls to get students to the general meeting, when we need 300 students to attend.
Stalls are taking place on Friday 5th March 12-2pm, Monday 8th March 1-3pm, and Tuesday 9th March all day to make sure our motion is the first item on the agenda for the 17th.
Tamil Solidarity is having a student meeting again on Wednesday 10th of March, 1pm, in Manchester Uni Students’ Union. The venue details will be confirmed.