The Sri Lankan government’s attempt to defeat the movement has provoked a ferocious reaction from protesters. Just days before on 6 May, trade unions organised the most successful Hartal (a general stoppage of work combined with the full shutdown of shops, etc.) for decades. Tens of thousands of workers turned up to mass protests that took place across the country. Ruling politicians’ homes and government offices were the main targets for these protesters. Significant and energetic protests held outside the parliament at that time tried to maintain a continuous protest by occupying the parliament area. However, they faced significant repression from the government. Protesters also showed increased militancy and fought back against the attack despite the heavy use of tear gas and water cannons. However, protesters later retreated. The occupation of this area also risked blocking the main road in Colombo, disrupting all travel for workers the next day – and that was one of the concerns of the protest leaders…