Sri Lanka Campaign against ‘traitors’ -BBC

Part of the BBC report is given below. Read the full report here
The vote(UNHRC) comes amid a government campaign against what it calls “traitors”, which has targeted journalists and human rights workers.

State television is using long slots in its Sinhala-language bulletins to denounce Sri Lankan journalists, some now in exile but some still in the country, who it says are helping the defeated Tamil Tiger rebels or “betraying the motherland”.

Those based in Sri Lanka are not named but the TV repeatedly zooms in on thinly disguised photographs of them, promising to give their names soon and “expose more traitors”.

State media have been similarly deprecating human rights workers who are in Geneva for the Human Rights Council session, the BBC’s Charles Haviland in Colombo says.

A local organisation, the Free Media Movement, has condemned the broadcasts as “highly unethical”. Such state broadcasts have in the past resulted in violent attacks on some accused people.

The Sri Lankan government commissioned its own investigation into the war last year.

Its Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) cleared the military of allegations that it deliberately attacked civilians. It said that there had been some violations by troops, although only at an individual level.

But another report commissioned by the UN secretary general reached a different conclusion, saying that allegations of serious rights violations were “credible” on both sides.

Human rights groups estimate that up to 40,000 civilians were killed in the final months of the war. The government recently released its own estimate, concluding that about 9,000 people perished during that period.