Protested in London against Kudankulam nuclear power plant

Koodangkulam – shut it down

End the brutality now!


Tamil Solidarity linked up with CND (London), Kick Nuclear and other campaigns to organise a protest outside the Indian High Commission in Aldgate, London on 24 October.

This protest was organised to show solidarity with tens of thousands of Indinthakarai and Koodangkulam people who have been fighting against the illegal nuclear plant that has been constructed in that part of Tamil Nadu, India. Protesters expressed their anger at the Indian government and demanded that the plant is shut down immediately.

The London protest was part of an international day of action with similar events planned in India, Sri Lanka, Germany, outside the European Parliament and in other countries. Solidarity was also expressed with anti-nuclear campaigners in other parts of the world especially Japan following the Fukushima disaster.

Campaigners, including Pete Dickinson, author of Planning for the Planet – How socialism could save the Environment and Samarendra Das, participated and addressed the protesters, promising their continued support.

Tamil Solidarity international coordinator Senan also spoke and promised that this protest would only be the beginning of an on-going campaign and pledged to return in big numbers if the Indian government does not shut down the plant and refuses to end the police brutality.