Protest held against Chinese and Sri Lanka regime

Report by : Isai Priya
“Say No to Chinese Regime – Say No to Sri Lankan Regime”- This slogan amongst many others was shouted protesters gathered outside Chine Embassy on the 25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square. The Protest, organised by Tamil Solidarity on June 4th, brought together many activist, Tamil youth and Chinese diaspora.

The determined and enthusiastic protesters were shouting slogans, giving out leaflets and explained to the public the atrocities that are being committed by both Chinese and Sri Lanka Government. Chinese regime not only continue its suppression against its own people but also actively protest dictatorial regimes such as Sri Lanka. Tamil protesters also joined in afterwards to light candles and remember the victims and their families. Few minute silences were called to remember the dead but most importantly to fight for the living.

The placards and slogans used yesterday were able to express to the public the link between the Chinese and Sri Lankan Regime. Both of these Governments are responsible for the massacre and various human right violations. It is very important to build a stronger solidarity with the Chinese and Tamils in diaspora. This is a first time a protest of this kind is organised. Tamil solidarity will continue its solidarity work with Chinese workers and youth -and stand together with their fight against the oppressive regime.