Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit UK from the 12th to 14th November. Until

2012 he was not allowed to enter the UK due to his alleged involvement of the massacre of the

Muslims in the Indian state Gujarat. This individual is responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians.

Number of protests are organised by various communities including Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and

members of the Dalit community.

A protest was held on Sunday outside the Indian High Commission against his visit organised by

Kashmir activist right activist and campaigns. This was attended by hundreds of people.

Another protest is organised outside 10 Downing Street this Thursday.

Modi will arrive in London on the 12th November and a lunch with the Queen and a meeting with

David Cameron are planned on his schedule. This Hindu Nationalist may be welcomed by the British

Monarchy and Government but not by the ordinary people.

Tamil Solidarity condemns the British Government for his visit and urges all to attend the protest on

the 12th November. Meeting alleged war mongers and criminals is not something new to David

Cameron but let’s unite together to say that this is not happening in our name.


Date: Thursday 12th November

Time: 12noon onwards

Place: 10 Downing Street