Joint Statment by Confederation KASBI and PRP‏

Joint Statement by Confederation Congress of Indonesia Union Alliance and Working Peoples Association

Give Protection and Humanitarian Aid to the Refugees Victim of Civil War – Community of Tamil Sri Lanka


Since 10 October 2009, 255 refugee victim of civil war – community of Tamil Sri Lanka was held by Indonesian otority. They escape Malaysia after not being given asylum post escaping from Sri Lanka. There is no decent facilities in the boat. They share one toilet, 17 children are suffering malnutrition and number of refugees have already threatened to jum off the board into the sea.

They have suffered enough in Sri Lanka due to civil war. The Sri Lankan government is still holding 250.000 Tamils in small camp in horrific conditions. Tamil people also become target of attack on Tamil-speaking people in Sri Lanka. What they want is a right to have a decent life with basic democratic rights including right to education for their children.

There are other Sri Lankan refugees living in Indonesia who are not given their full democratic rights. The Indonesian government using them to meet their political aims with Australia and with some aid agencies. Regarding the 255 Tamil refugee, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a phone call to Indonesia’s president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to stop the refugees boat and keep us away from Australia.

Seeing that condition, Confederation KASBI and PRP stated our position:

1.       Demand Indonesian government to give protection and humanitarian aid to the 255 Tamil refugee in the form of::

a.       Protection and accommodation as long as they are under Indonesian territory.

b.      No limitation for their rights to seek an asylum because physical and political threat following repression by the Sri Lankan government that eradicate everything consider as part of Tamil Tiger.

2.       Urge UNHCR to actively facilitate the political refugee victim of civil war in Sri Lanka that now are being held by Indonesian otority in Merak harbor.

UNHCR must be an active mediator in fulfilling the rights of 255 refugee.

3.       Call all democratic and human rights group in Indonesia to give solidarity for the situation that being faced by our brothers and sisters, the 255 Tamil refugees. Their struggle is our struggle that is consistent upholding human rights principle.


Jakarta, Indonesia

27 October 2009




Nining Elitos

Anwar Ma’ruf


National Chairperson

Jl Cipinang Kebembem, Blok E No 3

RT 013, RW 013, Pisangan Timur

Jakarta 13230


Telp/fax: +62-21-4701266


Jl Kramat Sawah IV No 26


Jakarta Pusat


Telp: +62-21-3917317

Email: komite.pusat@prpindonesia.
