Tamil Solidarity is holding a meeting to launch the general election campaign on 02-November – this Saturday.
This meeting is held as part of Socialism2019 – a weekend of debate and discussions organised by the Socialist Party. Hundreds of Socialists, Trade unionists, and other activists take part in this meeting.
We aim to agree to a General election resolution as part of this meeting. Please make sure that you don’t miss this meeting.
Tamil Solidarity meeting will take place at the following Time :
Building the Fightback: Corbyn Policy and Tamils rights
02- November – Saturday
3Pm – 5Pm
Registration will open at 12.30 Pm
Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way
s Committee Room 1
Nearest Tube stations : Russell Square Station, Euston
Speakers: Lawanya Chandra,Tamil Solidarity
Mathan, Refugee Rights
Sen Kandiah, Tamils for Labour
Chair: Sara Rajan, Tamil Solidarity
you can buy tickets here – https://www.socialistparty.org.uk/ticketsales
Or contact Tamil Solidarity at info@tamilsolidarity.org